Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week of 4/3/11 - 4/9/11

The singlets and T-shirts are in (just in time for the race this weekend).  The plan is to have the Rogue Racers singlets/shirts and the water stop volunteer T-shirts available for pick-up this Saturday at 9am at the Vienna Starbucks (address below).  Kelly was kind enough pay for the items, so when you pick up your stuff on Saturday you can either bring her cash or a check (made out to Kelly Paul).  The cost of the singlets/shirts came out as follows:

  • Singlets - $20.75/piece
  • T-shirts - $34.15/piece (a little cheaper than last time)

For those interested in still doing a short jog on the W&OD trail on Saturday morning, we will have two groups.  One group will be doing 5 miles at 8am.  The second group will be doing 2-3 miles at 8:30am.  We will then head over to Starbucks to distribute the shirts.

107 Maple Avenue West
Vienna, VA 22180

On Sunday after the race, we are going to try Le Pain Quotidien.  It is approximately 7 blocks from our water stop, so we should definitely be able to walk over there once the race is done.  I've called the restaurant, and although they do not take reservations, the manager thought that they should be able to accommodate a group of our size.  They have a pretty large selection of brunch foods (and coffee) on the menu, so I'm hoping everyone will be able to find something they like.

701 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

See you Saturday morning, 



  1. that was tricky sending out that email that forced me to look at the blog. i'm on to you, jahshan...

  2. Holly, thanks for all the coordinating with the shirts, water stop & brunch.

  3. I'll see you 2-3 milers at 8:30!!!

  4. Can't wait to see everyone at the 9 mile water station. Plan on passing through at 8:11 and then returning to help pass water out to the 10 milers. I feel a big Rogue Racer PR day coming!!!

  5. I plan on doing the same thing. As soon as I finish the 10 miler I will walk back to the mile 9 water stop! Should be pretty fun! :-)

  6. Nice run Adam! That should be a good test for the half. Great pace for such a long run.

  7. Thanks. It was a mildly hilly course. I kept the same pace the whole way. No real changes. The first mile wasn't even much faster than the last. Definitely on track for a good half. Another 6k to go.

  8. Holy PRs Batman! Way to go Rogue Racers. It had to be the singlets.

  9. Congratulations Keith!!!!
    Winner of Parkway Classic 5K.
    You are AWESOME!!!!!

  10. Wow what a great race everyone had.
    Peter great job on your age group win. You looked so impressive coming by.
    I had a blast at the water stop--GOOD MORNING!!!!
    Congrats to all!

  11. Keith, is this why you didn't show up for our clinical day? Mental prep for the race??

  12. Yeah! I was trying to get into the zone. Just Kidding. I'm sorry about Thursday. I had a ton of stuff to get done on the homefront and get some car repairs so I took the day off. I thought that they would have everything organized for you guys but it sounds like is started out a little chaotic.
    Looking forward to doing some track racing with you when your done with the long race!
