- Monday 9/12/11 - 6:30pm hill workout at Fairfax Corner
- 10-20 minute warmup
- 10 x 400 (400m RI)
- 10 minute cooldown
- Tuesday 9/13/11 - 8:30pm track workout at Fairfax HS
- check with Keith or Peter for more details
- Wednesday 9/14/11 - tempo run at TBD
- 8 miles at MP
- Thursday 9/15/11 - 8:30pm track workout at Fairfax HS
- check with Keith or Peter for more details
- Dr. Maggs is hosting a video-intensive presentation at The Running Store in Gainesville at 7pm. The topic will be the four most common running biomechanics faults and what to do to fix them. If you plan on going, please RSVP to Mary Davison at The Running Store.
- Friday 9/16/11 -
- Saturday 9/17/11 - 7am run at W&OD trail
- 4-6 miles
- please let Nancy know by Friday mid-day (via the blog) if you plan on joining
- Sunday 9/18/11 -
- cross-train or OFF
Lastly, if you thought watching Keith try to sprint in front of the second place female in the Chick-fil-A 5K video was exciting, you've got to see this week's video pick from the Assistant Race Director of the Steamtown Marathon.
Happy training,
Hey guys, below are some articles/videos that Dr. Maggs posted in his last newsletter, "Creating a Stable Base of Support With Your Foot." If you have any interest in minimalistic running, or preventing injuries, they are worth checking out.
Chick-Fil-A pictures are out, more may post later. They got some great shots of Keith at the start and finish.
ReplyDeleteToday's Living Social deal: $10 for $20 to spend at Whole Foods... Awesome! So far 120,000 have been purchased:
Great tip Justin, unfortunately I missed it, but keep them coming! I should work for Whole Foods given how much of my budget is allotted to them.
ReplyDeleteKeith and Peter great running!
ReplyDeleteSorry to be dense but what does the "MP" mean for the 8 mile tempo run?
ReplyDelete:-) MP = marathon pace
ReplyDeleteI think the Chantilly HS track is open tonight!!!
ReplyDeleteHey guys, if you don't belong to ScoutMob, it's a lot like LivingSocial and Groupon (yes, there is an app for that). Anyways, there is a 50% off deal for Northside Social in Arlington. Thought you guys would be interested.
ReplyDeleteAlright all, the results are in...what do you think, Boy or Girl?
ReplyDeletei'm probably running 4ish miles on saturday. anybody joining me?
ReplyDeleteMai- if by 4 you mean you are going to attempt 4 separate 5 milers with me, then count me in!
ReplyDeletewe guess girl
ReplyDeleteI say boy!
ReplyDeleteThanks Adam! It was a fun race. I saw Vernon at the start and he ran with me for the first two miles and gave me some good tips for racing. Can't wait to see what he can do when he gets back into top form.
Keith, I have a 20 mile run planned for tomorrow. Do you want to join me for all or part of it?
ReplyDeleteYes, Justin! Four separate 5 milers spread out over 4 weeks! First part is tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately mine all have to be in the same day, back to back. what if you ran 5 miles, rested 5 miles, and ran another 5... that's a compromise, right? ;)'s a....
We are having a SON!!!
Congrats on the good news! Get your sleep while you can. Little boys are just on the go nonstop from birth until who knows when.
ReplyDeleteAdam, I'll be running the Run geek run 8k tomorrow but will likely do 18 to 20 on Sunday at the WOD in Vienna. Let me know about future runs b/c I'd love to head out on a new course.
1. Bob and Mai-An... congratulations!
ReplyDelete2. Mai-An... Nancy and Mandy are going to meet you tomorrow morning (those are the people I know of for sure).
3. Adam... good luck on the solo 20-miler tomorrow!
4. Keith, Peter, and Leah... good luck tomorrow at the races tomorrow!
5. Kelly, George, and Leah... good luck at the races on Sunday!
Phew, just made the Geek registration. See you there tomorrow Keith! FYI, last time I went there was no parking allowed at West Potomac, I ended up so far away that I couldn't find the race course (thanks to a lone cyclist I got there in the nick of time).
ReplyDeleteGood luck with races this weekend everyone!
ReplyDelete@keith: will let you know about upcoming runs. I am basically trying to run a 20, 18, 10 tempo; every 3 weeks pattern.
Congrats Bob and Mai-An! Listen to Keith..he knows. Get LOTS of sleep now....!! Boys are fun..heck girls are fun too!!
ReplyDeleteI plan to run tomorrow am at WO&D.. I was hoping for 6 miles but can run 4 and see if I have the motivation to run the extra on my own.
See you Mandy and Mai-An at 7am!!
Good luck to all Rogue Racers Sat and Sunday who are participating in races. The weather is going to be perfect for running!!
Nancy and Mai-an, I hope you all get this because I don't have your phone numbers. I can't make it out this morning. Enjoy the run and Ill see you next week.
ReplyDeleteBethAnn and Bob, just saw results. Nice job BethAnn on squeeking under 4! Bob...just 37 seconds to get under 5, so close.
ReplyDeleteGood job guys!